Do you have a question or comment about this website? You can email me and let me know what you think (my email link is a the bottom of this page.)
Many suggestions from past students and viewers of this website have helped me improve navigation, visuals and graphics and writing the lessons.
I always appreciate your feedback, as I am continually improving this website to make it easier for you to find the lessons and art resources you are looking for.
Your input is secure here. I will not publish any communication with students and viewers without their consent. This is the policy I have put in place for my Real Feedback Testimonials (yes, they are actually REAL people who have emailed me about this website and shared their viewing and learning experience!) In each case, I have asked whether they would consent to my publishing their information on this website AND, if they approve, I have also asked if I could publish their name.
Although I have incorporated ads into many of my website pages because this helps pay for the maintenance of the website and allows me to spend large amounts of time improving it, I have always kept access to all of the information, resources and lessons absolutely free--and I intend to keep Free Online Art a totally free art learning and art resource site.
Here's some videos to preview!
I also have four blogs you will find interesting and informative....
Click here for my Lighten Up Today Blog!
Click here for my Standard poodle Charley's Healthy Dog Blog!
Click here for my Artful Gardening Blog!
Click here for my Artful Cooking Blog!
You can contact me at using the form below. So feel free to share comments, criticisms, suggestions, rants, raves--whatever...I appreciate what you have to say and I take it seriously!
Lois DeWitt, Webmaster
Free Online Art
...I currently I'm working with a author for children's books and I'm doing some of the illustration. This has been a real challenge, but enjoying it. When I not at home my sketch pad goes with me and I'm practice on something all the time. I've taken my art more serious and have the time to do what I thought I would never be able to do and you have inspired me to make me realize a dream that I thought I wouldn't get to do in my life time. Will be sending a picture for you to look at and see where I need to do to improve. It may take a week or two, but you will hear from me. Janice
I'm 60 and just getting back into art. My mother was an artist and I always wanted to be one too. I like the (acrylic) painting and I'm just finishing up the Intermediate! Never though I could paint so good! Eleanor Fuller
Please send link to basic drawing lessons--enjoyed your blot painting! Thank you, Phyllis
Hello Lois....In your introductory e-mail you asked about who I am. I'm retired. As I watched my triplet grandchildren drawing and creating fine looking artwork, I got to thinking about how much I had enjoyed drawing when I was about their age. My recollection is that I was pretty good but in truth probably not as good as my aging memory recalls. I do know, though, that I enjoyed it very much. So one day I sat down with paper and pencil to sketch a masterpiece only to find that all the talent I had as a teenager had been lost somewhere on my journey to senior citizenship. The desire, if not the ability, was there so I began searching the net for drawing lessons. I was surprised to find sites that actually provided free lessons. (I fully expected to pay for lessons) I was most impressed with your site so here I am....hoping to reawaken a long suppressed interest in the art of drawing.
Darrell Larson
It's never to late to do art! I've been painting with water color and then did some little cards for my twelve year old niece.
Thank you for your art lessons,
Betty Jacobsen
Notes on Writing The Artist Within Lessons...
Five years ago, for a small business course at a community college I developed a financial plan for "The Artful Life Program," a series of art learning classes for 55+ students.
This offering of art classes could be installed in a community recreation center, a church basement, an instructor's house, or wherever people wanting to learn and do art could congregate.
I had to do the financials, figure out what would be needed to teach in a facility and project an income and expense sheet for its operation.
I came a way from the small business class with a good working plan for bringing art to the 55+ community. One of the classes I called "Finding The Artist Within." Based on my experience with teaching older people, the course was constructed to refresh, inspire and develop creative skills through a series of exercises. I made each project simple, fun and provocative and directed towards an end goal of helping the students choose an artful direction in painting, drawing, printmaking, or collage.
Through six lessons, students could develop their imaginative, visualizing and creative skills will working on projects that were fun for the group and not intimidating.
Over the years, I have taught "Finding The Artist Within," in in private classes as well as life-long learning programs. It remains today, one of the most popular class offerings I have!